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The retirement stress - report

The aim of this report is to provide a more detailed diagnosis of situation of older citizens in Poland. This publication concentrates on health condition of people who just about to reach the retirement age, both physical and psychological condition. It also includes topics such as for instance education, employment, social participation and other that influence the wellbeing of older citizens.

Read the Report in PL

RAPORT Stres okołoemerytalny


Regional Active Ageing Index for Poland

The aim of this report is to present the Active Ageing Index (AAI) in Poland from the regional perspective.

Please, read the executive summery  below.

Regional_AAI for Poland


Healthy Ageing White Paper

The White Paper was created in response to the imminent demographic changes in
Polish society. This document is the result of the joint work of the Coalition for
Healthy Ageing, work which involved the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
The report includes some recommendations for the policy of health and social policy in the time of demographic change in Poland. In the White Paper were stressed health and social aspects of ageing mainly in the contexts of active and healthy ageing process.



The Year 2012 as a European Year for Social Participation of Senior Citizens and Intergenerational Solidarity

Over the coming years, Poland, similar as most of the European Countries, will have to face challenge of aging population process. As a response to that, the year 2012, by decision of European Parliament and Council 940/2011/UE on 14th September 2011 , was announced European Year for Social Participation of Senior Citizens and Intergenerational Solidarity.  


This initiative have launched many actions on the European and regional level to promote social participation of senior citizens.


More at: Raport ewaluacyjny z ER2012



The issue of active and health aging process in the European documents:


  • main rules for senior citizens activity and intergenerational solidarity;
  • Social Investment Package;
  • Decision of European Parliament and Council number 940/2011/UE from 14 September 2011 for European Year for Social Participation of Senior Citizens and Intergenerational Solidarity (2012).  



Research in the area of active aging:

  • Social Participation of senior citizens and inter-generation solidarity – Statistical portrait of European Union 2012, Eurostat 2012
  • (Aktywność osób starszych i solidarność międzypokoleniowa Statystyczny portret Unii Europejskiej 2012, Eurostat, 2012)

Social Solidarity in the Senior Age CBOS 2012 (Społeczna solidarność z osobami w starszym wieku, CBOS, 20122012)

  • Aging Report, European Commission 2012
  • Active Aging Research Results, Eurobarometr 2011
  • A Road Map for European Ageing Research, FUTUREAGE, 2011
  • Active 50+ Report (Raport Aktywni 50+, Fundacja im. Królowej Polski św. Jadwigi, Poznań 2011)
  • Senior Citizens Social Capital – (A. Klimczuk, Kapitał społeczny ludzi starych na przykładzie Białegostoku, Wiedza i Edukacja,Lublin 2012)
  • Poland 2030 – Demographical situation (M. Boni, Raport Polska 2030. Wyzwania rozwojowe, Wyzwanie 2 – Sytuacja demograficzna, Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów, Warszawa 2009)
  • People over age 50 on the labor market report (Osoby powyżej 50 roku życia na rynku pracy 2009, 2010, MPiPS, Warszawa 2010, 2011)
  • Life conditions of Polish people - Social Diagnostic (J. Czapiński, T. Panek, Diagnoza Społeczna 2007, 2009 Warunki i jakość życia Polaków, Rada Monitoringu Społecznego oraz Centrum Rozwoju Zasobów Ludzkich, Warszawa 2007, 2009)
  • Human Research Development Center social diagnostic (E. Kotowska (red.), Rynek pracy i wykluczenie społeczne w kontekście percepcji Polaków – Diagnoza Społeczna 2009, Centrum Rozwoju Zasobów Ludzkich, Warszawa 2009)
  • Different form of improvement of senior citizens social activity (E. Kotowska, I. Wóycicka, Sprawowanie opieki oraz inne uwarunkowania podnoszenia aktywności zawodowej osób w starszym wieku produkcyjnym, MPiPS, Warszawa 2008)
  • Deactivation of people in retirement age (Dezaktywizacja osób w wieku okołoemerytalnym, MPiPS, Warszawa 2008)
  • Borsch-Supan, Heath, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (2004 – 2007), SHARE, Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging (MEA), Mannheim 2008.
  • Generation Solidarity Programme – actions to increase professional activity of people over age 50 (Program Solidarność Pokoleń, Działania dla zwiększenia aktywności zawodowej osób w wieku 50+, MPiPS, Warszawa 2008)
  • Social preparation to aging population of Poland (P. Szukalski (red.), To idzie starość – polityka społeczna a przygotowanie do starzenia się ludności polski, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa 2008)
  • Social Activity Expertise – support for The Labor and Social Matters Institute to update the strategies of Country Development for 2007-2015 (S. Golimowska, E. Kocot, Z. Morecka, Agnieszka Sowa, Ekspertyza Spójność Społeczna: aktywność – solidarność – wsparcie, Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych, na potrzeby aktualizacji Strategii Rozwoju Kraju 2007-2015)


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