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The ASOS programme
Project of the Government Programe for Social Participation of Senior Citizens for 2014-2020
The Government Programme for Social Participation of Senior Citizens for 2012-2013
General Information about realization of Government programme for Social Participation of Senior Citizens
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The ASOS programme The Government Programme for Social Participation of Senior Citizens for 2012-2013
The Government Programme for Social Participation of Senior Citizens for 2012-2013

The Government Programme for Social Participation of Senior Citizens for 2012 to 2013 have been prepared for people over age 60, who, instead of their close retirement age, still are in a good physical and mental condition, have high qualification skills and life experience, a potential that could be used for engaging them in various actions that enable active and healthy ageing. The conception of active ageing assumes, in theory, the possibility of lifelong productivity. It means all kind of actions which result in producing goods, without difference if those actions are payable or not. The social participation of senior citizens could take many forms, like for instance their engagement in social benefit organizations, Universities of Third Age, senior clubs, branch organizations etc.  

Because social activity of senior citizens is mostly concentrated around local initiatives, increasing of their social engagement in the public life, different forms of education and cooperation between generations, especially people disabilities, is extremely important. The Programme is focused on financial support for organisations acting for senior citizens, including disabled people, by using the existing infrastructure.

There is no doubt that mental and physical activities are essential factors for long and healthy life.  Social integration of senior citizens with younger generations also plays a significant role. Programme for Social Participation of Senior Citizens is focused on diversity of population of older people and promotes the actions, which help them to stay active as long as possible.  

The main priorities of the programme are:


1)      education of senior citizens – this priority contains education options for older people which use their potential and ability for mutual learning and also develops new forms of education;

2)      social participation which promotes integration between generations – it creates a possibility of developing the activity of senior citizens by using the social infrastructure, for instance: public libraries and the houses of culture simultaneously with backup of young people, which allow to build the mutual understanding between generations;

3)      social participation of senior citizens – actions which help to increase the social participation of older people in the public, social, economic, cultural and political life, which also bring the results in developing of more open and understanding society;

4)      social services for senior citizens – actions which serve developing the different forms of social services by improving their quality and accessibility for senior citizens. Creation of local groups of support have crucial meaning in this priority.


Unfortunately in Poland people over age 50 are a group which is the least active within social participation field. In comparison with the people of similar age from other European countries,  their social participation is not very significant. That’s why, the Polish Ministry of Labor and Social Policy have undertaken the actions to influence on that kind of activities among seniors. The afore-mentioned priorities are designed as a remedy for the current position of senior citizens in Poland.

The Government Programme for Social Participation of Senior Citizens for years 2012-2013 has been funded by a public budget with 20 million zlotys in 2012 and 40 million zlotys in 2013.

Through open call for proposals the financial support is available for projects realized by organizations of public benefit in the four, before-mentioned priorities of actions for senior citizens.  


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