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Long-term Policy
The key assumptions of long-term senior citizens policy in Poland for 2014-2020
Senior Policy Council
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Long-term Policy The key assumptions of long-term senior citizens policy in Poland for 2014-2020
The key assumptions of long-term senior policy in Poland for 2014-2020

On Nov 30th 2013 the project of Assumptions of Long-Term Senior Policy in Poland for years 2014-2020 was announced and submitted to social consultations.

The Assumptions of Long-Term Senior Policy were prepared in cooperation with members of Senior Policy Council.

The Assumptions of Long-Term Senior Policy in Poland for years 2014-2020 is a framework document, which has been prepared as a system component of Government Programme for Social Participation of Senior Citizens for years 2012-2013 (hereinafter referred to as “ASOS 2012-2013”).

The ASOS Programme is a first nationwide programme covering such a wide scale. It is dedicated to senior citizens and to inter-generation cooperatipon. The Realization of ASOS Programme was a base for creating senior policy framework in Poland.  

The assumptions of the long-term policy define the senior policy as all kind of actions during the whole life period, which provide the conditions to prolong the life activity. As a life activity we understand both professional and social activity as well as health, safe and self-reliance life of senior citizens.

Despite the fact that the programme has framework character, it is a set of necessary actions on the area of Polish Senior Citizens Policy, which are directed to wide group of recipients.  

The Document is composed from following parts:

1)      Demographical situation in Poland – current state, development predictions, main challenges;

2)      Health and independent living;

3)      Professional activity of people over age 50;

4)      Educational, social and cultural activity of senior citizens;

5)      silver economy;

6)      intergenerational relations.

The main goal of the Senior Policy in Poland will be a governmental backup for all kind of actions, which provide the possibility of active, health, safe and self-reliant life as long as it possible. To achieve that goal we propose the following priorities:


Health and self-reliance  

1-th Priority. Creation of solutions, which let to develop medic services for senior citizens.

  • The development of geriatric medical specializations.
  • Preparation and professional improvement of medical specialists for general healthcare for senior citizens.
  • Support for development of Geriatric Clinic in Poland .  


2-nd Priority. Promotion of healthy lifestyle and health prevention actions.

  • Preparing our selves to elder age by gaining knowledge about physical and mental changes which are inevitable in elder age.
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyle.
  • Development and support of physical activity.

3-th Priority. Development of social and care services for senior citizens.

  • Development of public services for senior citizens.
  • Providing the relevant care for people with disabilities by development of social care services.
  • Designing and implementation of phone-care and utilization of new technologies to make the care process much easier.
  • Creation of backup systems for people whom help senior citizens in informal way, especially in the local societies.    


  • Providing the security for senior citizens
  • Support for infrastructure designing plans, which help to project more friendly infrastructure for senior citizens



Professional Activity of People over 50

  • Improvement of quality of education offers as well as designing them to be more relevant for current labor market.
  • Creation of more friendly for employees work conditions and utilization of new solutions from the area of age management.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of actions, which suppose to promote professional activity of people over age 50 and 60.
  • Development of cooperation, which help to increase employment rates among people over age 50.

Active social and cultural education of senior citizens

4-th Priority. Development of the education offers for senior citizens in every region where it is necessary.

  • Promotion of healthy lifestyle education.
  • Promotion of citizens education.
  • Promotion of education about new technologies.

5-th Priority. Support for the new solutions, which create the possibility of different forms of education of senior citizens, especially the Universities of third age.

6-th Priority. Development of public activity of senior citizens.

7-th Priority. Development of voluntarily actions of senior citizens.

  • Promotion of cultural competences.
  • Integration of institutional and organizational actions.
  • Promotion of cultural animation.

The document is ended by the chapter about the silver policy (this is an economical system, which is directed to utilization of senior citizens potential) and relations between generations.

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